The Green Trax Team is actively involved with the local Farmwatch and is a specialised member of the Reaction Unit, assisting Farmwatch and the local police with our dedicated dogs free of charge.
Green Trax supports existing projects and reputable training organisations which fall in line with our vision and conservation ethics.
Our dedicated dogs for the volunteer services are:
Ginger de la Cour d'Agibert - Belgium Malinois - Retired Mantrailer (scent specific) and narcotics detection dog
Maverick - English Springer Spaniel - Mantrailer (scent specific)
Savas - Belgium Malinois - Ammunition detection dog and Air-scenting
Prima - German Shepherd - Tracking dog
Ozzy - Border Collie - Tracking dog
In training:
Jessie - English Springer Spaniel - Narcotics detection dog
Millie - English Springer Spaniel - Narcotics detection dog and Incursion detection
Jack - Dutch Shepherd - Human remains detection dog
Mea - Belgium Malinois - Search and Rescue dog rubble and or wilderness air-scent searches
As costs for voluntary services and the training/ maintaining of our dedicated dogs are high, we welcome donations to help carry the costs of our deployments as well as helping institutions in need of our services.
We are very thankful to have the support from individuals and businesses supporting our work with the dogs in conservation, crime prevention and Search and Rescue. They donate in the form of money, their time, expertise and knowledge or products. A sincere thank you to Green Rhino African Travel, Bush Whisper Expeditions (Bush Whisper Foundation), SFW Soldiers for Wildlife, Globicon Constructions, our family and friends as well as the few private individuals who continuously support us and keep on believing in us.